• Vortragsreihe Sommersemester 21, Jeremy Shaw / Berlin

    Vortragsreihe Sommersemester 21, Jeremy Shaw / Berlin

    25/05/2021, 18.30Uhr / Online

    Screening and discussion
    Jeremy Shaw (Berlin)
    „Liminals“ (2017).

    Shaw’s film Liminals (2017) is a pseudo-documentary science fiction film about a marginalized society of the future attempting to save humanity from extinction through transcendental activities. Set against a 1970s cinema vérité aesthetic, Liminals follows eight subjects as they engage in varying cathartic ritualistic behaviors in an effort to access The Liminal – a paraspace between the physical and the virtual where they believe humankind can evolve forward from it’s imminent extinction. These scenes, narration, interviews and music eventually build to a hypnotic and immersive climax in which the viewer is implicated in the phenomenon.

    Liminals (2017), is a part of Jeremy Shaw’s Quantification Trilogy, which consists of three parafictional short films and includes Quickeners (2014), and I Can See Forever (2018). The works are set in the future and explore how marginalized societies confront life after a scientific discovery has mapped and determined all parameters of transcendental spiritual experience. This is known as “The Quantification.” Employing aesthetics and outmoded media of the 20th century to depict the future, Shaw’s alchemical combination of cinema verité, ethnographic film, conceptual art, and music video invites the viewer to suspend their disbelief in the story, and provides a series of critical perspectives on systems of power. The Quantification Trilogy examines fringe culture, theories of evolution, virtual reality, neurotheology, esotericism, dance, the representation of the sublime, as well as the notion of transcendence itself.

    Jeremy Shaw (b.1977, Canada) is a visual artist based in Berlin. His work explores altered states and the cultural and scientific practices that aspire to map transcendental experience. Often combining and amplifying strategies of verité filmmaking, conceptual art, music video, esoteric and scientific research, he creates a post-documentary space in which disparate belief-systems and histories are thrown into an interpretive limbo. Shaw participated in the 57th Venice Biennale (2017) and is the recipient of the 2016 Sobey Art Award. Solo exhibitions include Frankfurter Kunstverein (2021), Centre Pompidou, Paris (2020), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (2018), , Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin (2013), MoMA PS1, New York (2011), and Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto (2006).

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    Vortragsreihe SoSe21, Jeremy Shaw , Foto/Text 2021 ©  Kunsthochschule Mainz