• Sculpture Nancy Lupo
    Foto, 2018 © M. Matzak, VG Bild-Kunst
    Sculpture Nancy Lupo
    Julia Gerke, Sampling 2016
    Sculpture Nancy Lupo
    Julia Kothe, Materia Entropia, 2015

    Sculpture Nancy Lupo

    Substitute professorship Nancy Lupo

    The sculpture class is aimed at students of both degree programs. Based on an open and non-material-bound concept of sculpture, working and experimenting with and in all media is possible and encouraged. The independent artistic work of the students is in the foreground and is accompanied by work discussions with the class and in individual discussions. In addition to the individual supervision of the students, the course includes the joint reading of artists’ texts, the examination of current artistic positions, the invitation of class guests from the art world, excursions and the realization of regional and national class exhibitions. The ability to put one’s own work into words and document it appropriately are further focal points of the course.

    Class homepage

    Substitute professorship Nancy Lupo

    • Information about the person

    Class plenum

    • to be announced

    Individual meetings

    • to be announced

    Projects / Excursions

    • to be announced


    • Substitute professorship Nancy Lupo
      Room -01-152 and -01-164
      Phone N.N
      Mail: to be announced