• Meisterschülerstudium application

    Information on applying to study as a master student at the Kunsthochschule Mainz


    • Three steps to becoming a master student at Kunsthochschule Mainz. The master student program is intended to enable particularly qualified graduates of German and foreign art academies in the fine arts, fine arts teaching (at grammar schools) or an equivalent course of study to deepen and further develop their artistic work and present it to the public.The master student program can only be completed with a specialist class teacher.
      (Contact: https://kunsthochschule-mainz.de/kunsthochschule/lehre/).
    • 1. Please submit an application to the class teacher of your choice (Antragsformular 1) with a request for approval for admission to the master class. The head of the specialist class decides on admission on the basis of the submitted artistic work or documentation of such work and confirms admission in writing on the application form.
    • 2. Confirmation of admission as a master student by the class teacher must be submitted with the application to the principal for admission to the master student program. (Antragsformular 2) (for the summer semester by February 1 at the latest and for the winter semester by August 1 at the latest). The application must also include
      – the final certificate of the Diploma in Fine Arts or the certificate of the First State Examination or Master’s degree in the Teaching Qualification for Grammar Schools in Fine Arts or an equivalent degree from a university in Germany or abroad,
      – a declaration as to whether you have already lost your right to take examinations in a master’s degree program at another university in Germany,
      – proof of German or English language skills, if you have not obtained your university entrance qualification at a German or English-speaking institution or a degree in a German or English-language degree program (§ 4. paragraph 3).
    • 3. With the approval of the Rector, it is possible to apply for admission to the “Meisterschülerstudium” degree program at Mainz University in accordance with the general provisions of the enrollment regulations of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
    • The application for the Meisterschülerstudium
      (Master- und weiterbildende Studiengänge | Studium an der JGU (uni-mainz.de)
      ) online via the Study Information Network (JOGU-StINe) of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
    • Application deadlines
      For the summer semester 01.10. to 01.03.,
      for the winter semester 01.04. to 01.09.