Workshop for wood and plastics
Einführende Infos
Students gain a comprehensive insight into the specific properties of solid wood, wood-based materials and plastics. Emphasis is placed on practical instruction in a variety of working and joining techniques, using both hand tools and machinery. Particular emphasis is placed on supporting students in the realisation of their artistic projects through targeted assistance and individual guidance.
- Frank Gabriel, Dipl. Freie bildende Kunst
It is possible to borrow a selection of machines and tools to carry out artistic projects. The materials required for the realisation of the projects must be organised and financed by the students themselves. Alternatively, the necessary materials can be obtained in consultation with the workshop management. In any case, the responsibility for obtaining the materials lies with the students.
Workshop courses in the winter semester 2024/25
Registration via WerkstattkursÖffnungszeiten
During the semester
Monday–Friday 10.00-17.00
Lecture-free period
Monday–Friday 10.00-17.00Appointments
by arrangement
Frank Gabriel
Room -01-165
Telephone office +496131 – 393 2692
Telephone workshop +496131 – 393 0007