• Workshop for photography and digital processes

    Workshop for photography and digital processes

    Introductory information

    The Photography Workshop teaches photographic exposure and lighting techniques in theory and practice. It is not only aimed at students who wish to work artistically with photography, but also at those who wish to document their work and exhibitions. The further processing of digital image files (digital development (RAW), Photoshop, etc.) is another focus of this workshop. Theoretical and practical instruction in exhibition presentation techniques, such as mounting and framing with a passe-partout, complete the programme.


    • Matthias Matzak, Dipl. Designer | Dipl. Freie bildende Kunst


    Opening hours

    • During the semester
      Monday and Tuesday
      Lecture-free period
      by arrangement


    • By arrangement by e-mail

    Media lending

    • Technology (video cameras and cameras as well as presentation technology in the form of projectors, screens and loudspeakers) for the realisation of media work can be borrowed from the media lending service.
    • Technology overview
      Medien-Ausleihe Medienlabor

    Lending times

    • During the semester
      Wednesdays 11:00–15:00
      Fridays 11:00–15:00
      Lecture-free period
      Fridays 11:00–15:00
