Worldwide Solidarity Statement
The Art Academy Mainz is observing global wars, political conflicts and inadequate social, economic and ecological living conditions that force people to flee from their familiar contexts with grave concern. The Art Academy Mainz wishes to express its solidarity with affected people by taking concrete action.
Currently, art students and doctoral candidates from the Ukraine and other crisis regions who have a residence permit in Germany can be accepted as guest students/free-movers in the academy’s art classes, classes of art-related theory and art didactics. If you are interested, please write to
In addition, a group of colleagues and students from the Art Academy Mainz is currently working on ways to offer future support to art students and cultural workers who are affected by flight and expulsion. Further information will follow on this website.
Weltweite Solidaritätserklärung
Mit großer Sorge schaut die Kunsthochschule Mainz derzeit auf weltweite Kriege, politische Konflikte und unzureichende soziale, ökonomische und ökologische Lebensbedingungen, die Menschen zur Flucht aus ihren vertrauten Kontexten zwingen. Die Kunsthochschule Mainz möchte ihre Solidarität mit diesen Menschen durch konkretes Handeln zeigen.
Bereits jetzt können Kunststudierende und Promovend_innen aus der Ukraine und aus anderen Krisengebieten, die über eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis in Deutschland verfügen, als Gaststudent_innen/free-movers in den künstlerischen Klassen, der Kunstbezogenen Theorie und Kunstdidaktik der Kunsthochschule Mainz aufgenommen werden. Interessierte schreiben bitte an
Darüber hinaus erarbeitet eine Gruppe aus Kolleg_innen und Studierenden der Kunsthochschule Mainz aktuell Möglichkeiten, um Kunst-Studierenden und Kulturschaffenden, die von Flucht und Vertreibung betroffenen sind, zukünftig Unterstützung anbieten zu können. Weitere Informationen folgen auf dieser Website.
Weitere Informationen über Hilfsmöglichkeiten/Further Information on Assistance
Students At Risk – Hilde Domin Programm (DAAD)
“The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) administers the scholarship programme Hilde Domin Programme with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA). The programme serves to support students and doctoral candidates from across the globe, who are at risk of being formally or de facto denied educational or other rights in their country of origin, and to provide these students and doctoral candidates with an opportunity to begin or complete a study or research degree at a higher education institution in Germany.”
“ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is a non-profit organization at the intersection of human rights and the arts. Since 2013 AR has been collaborating with arts non-profits and government funders to assist artists who are at risk politically and fleeing oppression and war in 26 locations in 19 countries globally.”
Cara – A Lifeline to Academics at Risk
“Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) provides urgently-needed help to academics in immediate danger, those forced into exile, and many who choose to work on in their home countries despite serious risks. Cara also supports higher education institutions whose work is at risk or compromised.”
Artist Protection Fund
“The Artist Protection Fund draws upon the unwavering commitment that the Institute has demonstrated for over 100 years to preserve lives, voices, and ideas from around the globe. With support from the Mellon Foundation and with the participation of many arts organizations worldwide, IIE developed the Artist Protection Fund to fill a critical unmet need by providing relief and safe haven to artists on a large scale, and for extended periods.”
„The International Cities of Refuge Network“ (ICORN) is an independent organisation of cities and regions offering shelter to writers and artists at risk, advancing freedom of expression, defending democratic values and promoting international solidarity. Writers and artists are especially vulnerable to censorship, harassment, imprisonment and even death, because of what they do. They represent the liberating gift of the human imagination and give voice to thoughts, ideas, debate and critique, disseminated to a wide audience. They also tend to be the first to speak out and resist when free speech is threatened.
Information for Foreign Students/Scholars/Artists of the Johannes Gutenberg-University
Website of the Institut für Film-, Theater-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft of the Johannes Gutenberg-University with further links