• Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 21/22, Lucia Pietroiusti, London

    Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 21/22, Lucia Pietroiusti, London

    18/01/2022, 18.30Uhr / Online via Zoom

    Lucia Pietroiusti, Kuratorin, Strategic Consultant for Ecology Serpentine Galleries, London

    On having a sense of purpose:
    Art, museums and General Ecology

    In The Great Derangement, author Amitav Ghosh describes a contemporary crisis of the imagination, permeating scientific and narrative thought alike, as being the greatest obstacle to facing contemporary environmental breakdown. Identifying a trend emerging from the European Enlightenment and its shadow – empire – Ghosh speaks of ‘discontinuities’ as a habit of mind: “to break problems into smaller and smaller puzzles until a solution presented itself. This is a way of thinking that deliberately excludes things and forces (“externalities”) that lie beyond the horizon of the matter at hand: it is a perspective that renders the interconnectedness of Gaia unthinkable.” Following Ghosh’s reasoning, this lecture will interrogate the contemporary cultural institution as an agent, enquiring about its sense of self and sense of purpose in relating to the climate crisis, climate justice and social justice imperatives. How can the museum think of itself as having agency in the face of planetary, unequally distributed events, and how can it cultivate this agency? What are possible strategies by which this can be achieved, from systems through to programming? This brief lecture will attempt to ask these questions and move towards possible strategies to answer them, thinking systemically about an organisation’s role, function and structures, in relation to its actions and sense of self. Can an art institution remain faithful to its discipline while bridging the distance between it and the planet? Can this, in turn, provide a possible blueprint for other institutions, other disciplines?

    Lucia Pietroiustiis the founder of the General Ecology project at Serpentine, London – a strategic, cross-organisational effort dedicated to the implementation of ecological principles throughout the Galleries’ public-facing programmes, internal infrastructure, and networks; and is currently developing the Institute for General Ecology as a distributed, independent organisation. Pietroiusti is the curator of Sun & Sea (Marina) by Rugile Barzdziukaite, Vaiva Grainyte and Lina Lapelyte, the Lithuanian Pavilion at the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia (and 2020-2022 international tour). She is the curator of the second edition of POWER NIGHT at E-Werk Luckenwalde, titled Being Mothers, in 2021/2022. Together with Filipa Ramos, she will be the curator of the 8th Biennale Gherdeïna, Persons Persone Personen, in May 2022.

    At Serpentine, Pietroiusti is currently Strategic Consultant for Ecology, and she was Curator of General Ecology from 2018-2021.

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    To do so, please register at the following e-mail address: alternatemode@kunsthochschule-mainz.de
    You will then receive a link to participate in the upcoming Zoom event live via video conference. Approximately 10 minutes before the start of the lecture, i.e. around 6:25 p.m., the conference will start so that you can dial in on time.

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    Vortragsreihe WiSe21/22, Grafik/Text 2022 ©  Kunsthochschule Mainz