Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 21/22, MOSHTARI HILAL, Hamburg/Berlinn
04/01/2022, 18.30Uhr / Online via Zoom
MOSHTARI HILAL / Künstlerin/Forscherin, Hamburg/Berlin
Moshtari Hilal is a visual artist, researcher and curator working from Hamburg and Berlin. She is the co-founder of the global independent art collective AVAH (Afghan Visual Arts and History), co-founder of Berlin-based research collective CCC (Curating Through Conflict with Care) (2022) and co-creator of Studio Hilal, a collaborative design project dedicated to prints on textile.
With a special focus on analogue drawing, Moshtari considers her overall practice to be interdisciplinary and process-oriented. While her process begins with the personal as a resource, it involves as well academic research and the engagement with the public and her immediate community, in forms of lectures, essays, artist talks, interviews, collaborations and social media. She describes her artistic practice as reconciliation with shame and negated beauty, seeking to understand and critically subvert power and colonial continuities.
Her body of work exploring the possibilities of the visual arts and analogue drawing is shaped by the (self)portrait and family archive. Moshtari Hilal aims for a visual language that is shaped by the subjective. Consequently, the artist works with the drawn line as means and symbol of a figurative vocabulary that refers to the black-haired body. In addition, her portraits deal with recurring motifs, such as the prominent nose, the figure of the mother or the family archive.
Online / Online
Bitte melden Sie sich hierzu bei folgender E-Mail-Adresse an: alternatemode@kunsthochschule-mainz.de
Sie erhalten dann einen Link, um an der bevorstehenden Zoom-Veranstaltung per Videokonferenz live teilnehmen zu können. Ca. 10 Minuten vor Beginn vor Vortragsbeginn, also gegen 18.25 Uhr, wird die Konferenz gestartet, so dass Sie sich rechtzeitig einwählen können.
To do so, please register at the following e-mail address: alternatemode@kunsthochschule-mainz.de
You will then receive a link to participate in the upcoming Zoom event live via video conference. Approximately 10 minutes before the start of the lecture, i.e. around 6:25 p.m., the conference will start so that you can dial in on time.
Bitte beachten Sie / Please note
Es kann ein Mitschnitt der Veranstaltung erfolgen, der nachfolgend im Internet bzw. auf der Homepage der Kunsthochschule abrufbar ist. Mit der Teilnahme an der Zoom-Videokonferenz erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass dabei entstehende Bilder Ihrer Person aufgezeichnet und verbreitet werden können. Es steht Ihnen als Nutzer_in jedoch jederzeit frei, den Videomodus, mit dem Sie während der Konferenz aufgenommen werden, auszuschalten und/oder sich umzubenennen, so dass Sie anonym bleiben.
A recording of the event may be made, which will subsequently be available on the Internet or on the homepage of the School of Art. By participating in the Zoom video conference, you agree to the recording and distribution of your personal images. However, as a user, you are free at any time to switch off the video mode with which you are recorded during the conference and/or to rename yourself so that you remain anonymous.
Vortragsreihe WiSe21, Grafik/Text 2021/2 © Kunsthochschule Mainz