• Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 20/21, Walter Scott

    Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 20/21, Walter Scott

    10/11/2020, 18.30Uhr

    WALTER SCOTT / Toronto
    Artist Lecture

    Veranstaltung wird gestreamt!
    Anmeldung unter: alternatemode@kunsthochschule-mainz.de

    Walter Scott b. 1985, is an interdisciplinary artist working across comics, drawing, video, performance and sculpture. His comic series, Wendy, chronicles the continuing misadventures of a young artist in a satirical version of the contemporary art world.  Wendy has been featured in Canadian Art, Art in America, and published online on the New Yorker. Recent exhibitions include The Scrawled Heel of the Real, Ashley (Berlin), and The Pathos Of Mandy, at the ISCP, New York. Walter Scott was recently an artist-in-residence, at the ISCP, in Brooklyn, New York. His new graphic novel, Wendy, Master of Art, is now available from Drawn & Quarterly.

    In this presentation, Walter Scott will give an overview of the past ten years of his art practice, focusing on the relationship between the fiction and reality of the author and the work. He will speak about his fictional comic book character, Wendy, as well as his more gallery-focused installations, drawings, and sculptures. He will discuss how sculptural, material processes can stand as metaphors for experiences, and how that is then re-integrated into narrative fiction.

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    Bild / Textnachweis
    Vortragreihe WiSe 20/21, Bild/Text 2020 © Kunsthochschule Mainz