Alternate Mode / Vortragsreihe Sommersemester 20, Eulalia Domanowska
05/05/2020, 18.30Uhr
Eulalia Domanowska
Former Director of Centre of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, Poland
“Impact of Art”
Eulalia Domanowska talks about Polish contemporary art, describing persons of both: older, so called “Critical art” generation of Polish artists, as Katarzyna Kozyra, Zbigniew Libera and Joanna Rajkowska and their most interesting achievements in the 1990s. And later, and younger, started after year 2000: Julita Wójcik with her famous “Rainbow”, Diana Lelonek and Daniel Rycharski, a visual artist working in a small village, Kurówko, Anna Siekierska who fights for the environment, the well-being of animals and plants, the artistic practice of Jana Shostak plays with Polish language and focus on racism in society and feminism.
These are turbulent times in Poland for cultural institutions and their employees, and thus there is a strong desire to incite change. The question about the impact of art became even more pressing after the conservative Law and Justice Party won the parliamentary election in 2015 as cultural institutions started holding politicians to account while a large portion of the art community became ostentatiously indifferent and market-oriented. What impact are we actually talking about? How to recognise or measure it? Who benefits from these “socially sensitive” programmes of public theatres, museums and concert halls?
Eulalia Domanowska was Director of Centre of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, Poland in the last 5 years.
Academic Teacher/ Professor of Art History at Graphic Department of Warsaw School of Information Technology, Master of Art History in Art History Department, Warsaw University, courses of Museology, Ethnology, Swedish Art, Art and Gender, The Teacher’s Education, Computer and Teaching, English A, Umeå University, Sweden.
Works also as a Curator and Art Critic. Specialist in Modern and Contemporary Art. Special interest: Art in Public Space and Sculpture Parks. Curator of about 100 exhibitions in Poland and in European countries, among others at the Centre of Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Salon Akademii Gallery in Warsaw, series of exhibitions in Bergen (Norway), St. Petersburg (Puszkinskaya Gallery), Röda Sten in Göteborg (Sweden), M. Ciurlionis Museum in Kaunas (Lithuania), RLBQ Gallery and Art Academy in Marseille (France), The Centre of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, National Museum in Riga (Latvia). Recently curated Tony Cragg, Magdalena Abakanowicz and Henry Moore exhibitions in The Centre of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko and few exhibitions of sculpture in public space. Founder of series of “Sculpture Today” conferences. There were already 4 editions with topics: “Contemporary Sculpture”, “Art in Public Space”, “Art in Landscape and Sculpture Parks”, “Anti-monuments and other Forms of Memorizing”. Member of AICA and IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Arts).
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